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Okay leave it to me
Small lot correspondence, long-term storage OK
It can ship to 200 countries such as Japan, Korea, Asia, Europe
We will deliver all Chinese goods to your country

Guidelines for using CATtrans

Register as a member and ship one item directly to the world!

Prepare the goods to be sent abroad. Orders can be placed through Taobao, 1688 shopping platform, or self owned products

Shopping website

Step2.Domestic delivery

Send the prepared goods to our CATtrans warehouse in angzhou, China first. Warehouse collection, inspection, and warehousing.

Transfer process

Step3.Overseas delivery

Choose the international logistics that you like or are suitable for, with one package shipping to over 200 countries worldwide.

International logistics


Initial expenses, fees and fixed expenses are unnecessary and only international shipping!
You can use shipping agency service at an inexpensive price in the industry!
Additional fees will only be charged to you after use, and all of the following items are free of charge

What will we do after receiving your package?

After receiving your package, we will inspect the goods, take photos and weigh them. And finely classify the packaged goods, and each item will be individually packaged. Very suitable for Alibaba International Station’s one piece shipping service, of course, these are all free basic operations.

Rich experience and professional knowledge

We can provide customers with optimized consolidation logistics solutions to more effectively utilize space, thereby reducing transportation costs and reducing the risk of damage to items during transportation.

Pursuing customer experience

International e-commerce, company samples, and personal packages can all use our forwarding service!
A good customer experience can help us establish a competitive advantage, attract and retain more loyal customers.
To this end, we are committed to understanding the needs and expectations of our customers, continuously improving our services, optimizing business processes, and providing high-quality customer service.

Large commodities can also be easily transported
CATtrans warehouse has a large area and long-term
storage is also not a problem
Mastering the correct packaging techniques can
effectively prevent goods from being damaged Damage caused by vibration, impact, or other external factors during transportation
Electronic products can also be transported abroad
Food, liquids, powders, etc. can all be transported
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Customer Service Center

“Can we send it overseas?” “Can we use our own packaging materials?” “Can we ship it to Japan or the United States?”
We provide customers with various ways to contact customer service, such as phone, email, social media, online chat, etc., to choose the most suitable way for them.

Email contact

Send us an email or use instant messaging tools such as QQ and WeChat to contact us. No matter which method you choose, we will reply to you as soon as possible and do our best to solve your problem.

Work order contact

After registering as a member, you can contact our customer service through the system. The system corresponds to each package and keeps chat records for a long time, which can be viewed at any time.

Telephone contact

You can also call our customer service hotline at any time. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you, answer your questions, solve problems, and listen to your suggestions and opinions.